目前分類:音樂相關 (11)

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sail away (from 空中殺手)

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Have you heard the news? 你聽說了沒?
Bad things come in twos. 禍不單行知道吧
But I never knew 不過我從來不在意
'Bout the little things. 這些小細節

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I analyze and I verify and I quantify enough

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"O Fortuna velut Luna" ["O Fortune like the Moon"]

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The garden of everything (Steve Conte & 坂本真綾)

Here you are

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Follow me to a land acroos the shining sea
Waiting beyond the world that we have known
Beyond the world the dream could be

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Readin' my paper in roy's cafe
The ol' guy next to me is loud as day

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Joan Osborne - One Of Us

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Caught by the moonlight
A silent mist
A shimmer in the trees

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不曾相識的臉龐經過面前 出現在人潮中的一瞬間
好像當時微笑著的你 向我揮揮手的感覺

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